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Wilo continues its growth course with profitability

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Fiscal year 2020: cash flow more than triple

Dortmund. In fiscal year 2020, the Wilo Group achieved sales growth with a monetary correction of 1.8%, despite the difficult conditions caused by the pandemic and the economy. Sales revenue amounted to about 1.5 billion euros. Taken together, the business group generated an adjusted EBITDA of 181.6 million euros, and the adjusted EBITDA margin was 12.1%. The cash flow of operating activities remained almost stable at 161.5 million euros compared to the previous year's cash flow, which was a record for the company. Cash flow tripled from the previous year's figure and reached a very high level of 35.6 million euros. Research and development (R&D) has always been a priority in the Wilo Group. In 2020, we also invested heavily in the development of future-oriented technologies and slightly exceeded the previous year's high level. R&D costs amounted to EUR 68.6 million.

We want to recognize and thank our Wilo partners and the team

"We know that the basis and engine of the company's economic success are the approximately 8,000 employees of the Wilo Group. Mainly thanks to the exemplary attitude, great solidarity and strong commitment imposed by each employee, Wilo is mastering exceptionally well the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic. This is what we can once again generate sustainable and profitable growth," says Oliver Hermes, President and CEO of Wilo Group. The Coronavirus crisis has shown us that Wilo is also able to master fundamental changes. This is also due to excellent cooperation with market partners around the world, Wilo's boss adds. "In all respects, a word is applied and applied even more than ever: together. On behalf of the entire Executive Board, we would like to thank you for your joint efforts in 2020. We continue to face the challenges ahead with determination, optimism, energy and pragmatism," says Oliver Hermes.

Wilo is a relevant state and serves critical infrastructure

As an industrial and technological group, the Wilo Group contributes significantly to maintaining systemically relevant sectors in many countries around the world. "Our products, systems and services are a key part of critical infrastructure. They serve applications without which everyday life is almost impossible. In doing so, we fulfill our social responsibility, especially at unprecedented times like these, to provide water management, construction services and other key industries and protect their processes," says Oliver Hermes. For this reason, Wilo received special authorizations to continue production activities in the United States, China, Russia, France, Italy and India, among other countries, and was therefore able to maintain its delivery capacity.

Corporate political responsibility is a well-established practice at Wilo

The Coronavirus pandemic has shown us that global challenges can only be solved transnationally and together. The same applies to climate change. Also during 2020, Wilo continued to promote sustainability, climate protection and multilateralism. Wilo is a pioneer in sustainable products, systems and solutions and is proud to be recognized as one of the "50 Sustainability and Climate Leaders" worldwide. The Global Sustainability and Climate Protection Initiative engages companies operating on the basis of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In addition, the Wilo Group was awarded the renowned German Sustainability Award 2021 in the field of "Climate" transformation. "As a globally active company, we are aware of the absolute need to work together on international co-operations and initiatives. Together with our network partners, we promote innovative and climate-friendly solutions and foster dialogue with politicians, companies and NGOs. Corporate political responsibility as part of sustainable action is a well-established practice for us," says Oliver Hermes.